*set time +1 At last you have reached home. Over the next few days, you arrange to sell your goods: *temp spices_price *temp dyes_price *temp metals_price *temp gems_price *temp rounding *temp rounded *set spices_price (60 + (shrewdness * (2/3))) *comment ****60-126 *set rounding "spices_price" *gosub round *set dyes_price (92 + (shrewdness * (4/5))) *comment ****92-172 *set rounding "dyes_price" *gosub round *set metals_price (150 + (shrewdness * (3/2))) *comment ****150-300 *set rounding "metals_price" *gosub round *set gems_price (((750 - shrewdness) / (150 - shrewdness)) * 66) *comment ****330-858 *set rounding "gems_price" *gosub round *if (spices>0) Spices and incense: ${spices} for ${spices_price} each *line_break *if (dyes>0) Dyes and cloth: ${dyes} for ${dyes_price} each *line_break *if (metals > 0) Precious metals: ${metals} for ${metals_price} each *line_break *if (gems > 0) Gemstones: ${gems} for ${gems_price} each *temp revenue *set revenue (((spices * spices_price) + (dyes * dyes_price)) + ((metals * metals_price) + (gems * gems_price))) *temp total_cost *set total_cost (((spices_outlay + dyes_outlay) + (metals_outlay + gems_outlay)) + misc_outlay) *temp profits *set profits ((revenue + funds) - (total_cost + debt)) Total revenue: ${revenue} Along with your remaining ${funds} funds, having spent ${total_cost}, *if (debt > 0) and with a debt of ${debt}, you've made a profit of ${profits}. *temp success_level *if profits > 2000 *set success_level "An incredible haul!" *goto success_text *elseif profits > 750 *set success_level "Not a bad showing, really." *goto success_text *elseif profits > 0 *set success_level "You hoped you could have done better." *goto success_text *else *set success_level "What a disaster." *goto success_text *label success_text ${success_level} *page_break *share_this_game *goto_scene ending *label round *set rounded 0 *temp val *label roundloop *set val {rounding} *if (val - rounded) > 1 *set rounded +1 *goto roundloop *elseif (val - rounded) = 1 *comment Need to account for rounding an integer value. *set rounded +1 *goto roundfinish *else *label roundfinish *setref rounding rounded *return